Flue Gas Analysis

We can now offer flue gas analysis as part of our comprehensive services in the field of flue gas heat recovery

Flue Gas Analysis

Turnbull & Scott are always looking for new ways to help our customers find the best heating, cooling, or chilling solution. We can now offer flue gas analysis as part of our comprehensive services in the field of flue gas heat recovery. Flue gas analysis is the process of examining the composition and characteristics of the exhaust gases produced by industrial processes or combustion systems. It provides valuable insights into the efficiency, emissions, and performance of these systems while also determining the energy recoverable. Therefore, our new service can play a crucial role in determining the possibility of heat recovery and optimizing energy efficiency. The data from the analysis can guide our team in designing and implementing effective heat recovery systems.

By analysing the exhaust gases, Turnbull & Scott can assess factors such as temperature, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other trace gases. This evaluation enables us to identify potential for heat recovery.

Measuring key parameters, such as volumetric flow rate and flue gas temperature, means we can calculate the energy recoverable from the flue gas stream. Based on the findings from flue gas analysis, Turnbull & Scott’s skilled engineers can develop tailored solutions to optimize your flue gas heat recovery systems. We provide recommendations on equipment upgrades, energy management strategies, and system enhancements to maximize efficiency, minimise emissions, and recover as much energy as possible from the flue gas stream.

Analysis of this kind, in conjunction with energy recovery assessments, is an essential tool for understanding and improving the performance of your process. Turnbull & Scott's expertise in this area ensures accurate analysis, detailed reporting, and trusted solutions to help you optimize your processes, recover valuable energy, and achieve your energy and environmental goals.

Flu Gas Analysis
  • Many of our projects centre on capturing heat from exhaust gases emanating from industrial boilers, dryers, kilns, ovens, thermal oxidizers etc. 
  • By placing a custom designed heat exchanger coil in the flue, the heat is most commonly captured in a fluid such as water or thermal oil & then piped off for reuse elsewhere in an operation. Sometimes it’s transferred to another air stream rather than a liquid. 
  • Increasingly too, we design & supply equipment for heat capture from other sources i.e. refrigeration, chiller & cooling systems & engine cooling. 
  • Regardless of source type, custom system design starts with characterisation of the heat – as well as temperature, the volume of gas, the level of contamination & humidity within the gas are also considered to establish whether the heat is ‘high grade’ or’ low grade’ – read more on this in our Dryer Manufacturers Heat Recovery Brochure.
  • The degree of pressure drop incurred in recovering the heat is also accounted for in our designs, with appropriate fans incorporated if required. 
  • There are several different types of heat recovery coils used to capture waste heat from flue gases depending largely on what is to be done with the captured heat. Read more about the different types of heat recovery coils here.